Is it true that cats and dogs hate each other?

Is it true that cats and dogs hate each other?

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The true reason for the difficulties between cats and dogs lie in their fundamentally different behaviors.
But that behavior can be changed.
Dogs, who are the descendants of wolves, were very social even then. While their primary motivation for staying close to us was food, dogs might have also valued the company of their first humans. Nevertheless, scavenging human leftovers was always far more convenient than having to hunt.
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For cats, who are descendants of the Egyptian Wild Cat, food was all they wanted from us in the beginning. Their ancestors are very solitary animals. Experts still wonder, how such shy animals could develop into our beloved lounge leopards and pet lions.
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The blood-feud between cats and dogs had been brewing for millennia. Yes, everybody knows the troubled tale of humankind's two closest allies, the ancient battle for table scraps and the human lap. The dispute is so old, it has been un-scientifically explained in the folklore of many different cultures, from Romania and China to West Africa
And yet, what do we really know of the row between these species? Is it true that cats and dogs are just hardwired to hate each other?
Well, sort of. Dogs and cats are both mammals of the Order Carnivora, which means they eat meat and will hunt to get it. But out there, cats and dogs don't "hate" or "love" each other more or less than any other species. In fact, both would probably rather avoid the other and pick on easier prey.
However, cats and dogs are forced to interact when we bring them home and plop them into our living rooms. And that's where the miscommunication begins.
Dogs and cats approach the world in very different ways, it's not that cats are antisocial or mean, just that they take a lot longer to warm up.
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On the other hand, dogs will typically charge right up to a new person or animal to investigate. the cat interprets this behavior as a possible threat and instinctively tries to climb or run away.
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Unfortunately for the cat, running triggers a chase response from the dog, and the whole situation rapidly deteriorates into a cartoon scuffle cloud.
Despite these differences, many cats and dogs learn to live in harmony and even develop friendly relationships — leading them to play and nap together.
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